Welcome to Krieghuusbelten

Shopping & Cities

Zwolle Thorbeckegracht c Marketing Oost Gerlinde Schrijver
Zwolle fietsen c Marketing Oost Gijs Versteeg naamsvermelding verplicht

Explore the Various Cities

Would you like to go shopping or visit a pleasant city during your vacation? In the area around Raalte there are several nice places you can visit. Whether you would like to spend an afternoon shopping or rather visit a cultural Hanseatic city nearby? There are many nice places to admire. For example, visit Raalte, Deventer or Zwolle! 

Check out the cultural trips

See and Experience

Shopping in Raalte

The city center of Raalte in the heart of Salland has everything to offer for a day of great shopping, from fashion to living and from beauty care to restaurants: the shopping center of Raalte has it all! Want to know what stores are there?

Read more about Raalte

Fun Cities

Vacationing in the Netherlands offers plenty of opportunities to explore cities you might not have visited before. We've selected some of the most beautiful cities in Overijssel for you to discover!

  • Deventer
  • Zwolle
  • Nijverdal
  • Rijssen
  • Ommen
  • Kampen

All cities have more than enough to offer for a fun day out!

IJsboerderij de Rosahoeve

At IJsboerderij de Rosahoeve you can enjoy traditional ice cream. During a walking or cycling tour in the beautiful surroundings of Salland, you can relax on the cozy terrace of the Rosahoeve. Choose, for example, a cup of coffee, a glass of soda, scoop ice cream or a delicious sorbet. Meanwhile, the children can enjoy themselves in the animal pasture or playground, ensuring an enjoyable experience for the whole family.

All about IJsboerderij de Rosahoeve
Zwolle wandelen c Marketing Oost Gijs Versteeg naamsvermelding verplicht
Zwolle BYS campagne Judith Elders NBTC Merel Tuk 2
Jason leung Bxk Mhxgd Oh8 unsplash 1
Receptie team 2024 nobg

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